Clarion Project’s latest film, Covert Cash: What American universities don’t want you to know about their foreign funding, exposes those hidden billions and investigate the how it ties America's future leaders to nations that actively hostile to the freedoms that we Americans treasure. Why would American universities accept money from corrupt regimes who actively work against American interests? Why would they accept money from regimes whose human rights records clash with every American value we hold sacred? Covert Cash blows this subject wide open and drives awareness of the corruption and lack of transparency in US universities, which allow foreign governments like China, Russia, Qatar and Dausi Arabia to influence the direction and leadership of our country. Find out how much money your alma mater received in foreign funding - Get involved and see what you can do to expose campus foreign funding.
Former Members of Extremists groups talk about their experiences. including - How they were recruited - What makes someone susceptible to recruitment into an extremist group or ideology - The radicalization process - The crucial role of online media - How to fight against these groups
Ryan Mauro, Clarion’s National Security Analyst, is a professor of homeland security, counter-terrorism and political science
Clarion’s documentary film about the violent persecution and genocide of Christians and other minorities in the Middle East